I built Verdigris in Spring 2016, upon the invitation of my metaverse friend Joe Zazulak (Spiral Silverstar). Joe had bought what is called a x4 region in OpenSim parlance on the DigiWorldz grid, which he had named Artlandia; and he invited me, Kristine Schomaker (Gracie Kendal) and FreeWee Ling to build a sim each.
I called my sim Verdigris after a very beautiful sky preset created by Mescaline Tammas that colorizes the ground level into a very lovely, mysterious orange/pink hue.
I placed a number of funny roofed kiosks inside of which I put the gargoyles that I later also used in other places.
Verdigris was also the first sim where I started to experiment with fauna: Instead of trying to get the trees to have what one might think of as "real" foliage I assembled a whole bunch of black and white trees that were made out of old fashioned scrolls and ornamentations.